Saturday, March 29, 2008

Star Wars IV: A New Hope

Okay, I was looking around on youtube and was watching some tutorials, and came across this:

This is really cool! If you don't want to do the telnet thing (I don't blame you if you don't) I found at the beginning that it gives a link to the actual guy's website, which is - now, if for some reason this site goes down, or you are afraid to go there because it has a weird url, just type in asciimation on google or something. Anyway, to get to the point, this is a "movie" made in ascii that remakes Star Wars Episode IV as a text based video. Of course, its not the whole movie, and they change the dialogue a bit it seems, but its pretty neat in itself that someone could make something so elabarate like this. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, its pretty neat.

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