Saturday, October 11, 2008

Improv Everywhere Group

A friend of mine told me about this youtube video that he found from this group based in New York city, New York called Improv Everywhere. This group basically does street pranks, or maybe what you could call 'surprise missions.' Basically they go around and do things that people don't know they are going to do, calling them 'missions' according to the text in the beginning of each video. For example, the first video I saw (and the one my friend showed me which got me interested in the group) is of this huge group of agents who are told by the leader that at a specified time they will all just freeze in place like as if someone were to pause a movie and the characters appear frozen. Of course people are wondering what's going on; it's kind of funny but at the same time kind of eerie because people just stop what they are doing. The location in this one is Grand Central Station in New York.

Anyway, they seem to have some interesting ideas, sort of a spin on the 'you're on candid camera' thing. You can check out more videos and learn more at their website, here. They have their videos up on the site itself using something called revver, but they also (obviously) have an official youtube account with which they use to post their videos as well.
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