Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Hunt For Gollum

This film is amazing! An almost 40 minute film based on the J.R.R Tolkien Lord of the Rings trilogy, this film tells the story of Aragorn on a quest to find gollum. See more information on the website as well as the youtube description bar to the right of the player. (Note: Entirely made from a group of people who are fans and are not affiliated with anyone related to Tolkien, or the film adaptations.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"8-bit trip" - A lego animation on youtube

Wow, this is just amazing. This obviously took a lot of work. In the video description, it says it took "1500 hours." Now that's a lot of work! It really paid off though. Things like martial artists kicking (all in lego) and pong. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu and Vaccinations

Swine Flu Article by Dr. Mercola

This is a good article to show that you should be rather skeptical about this whole "swine flu" situation. Of course you should be aware of what's going on... Rather than ramble on about it, I'll leave it to you to read it and see what you think. Though I will say this: I am inclined to believe with Dr. Mercola, and he's got evidence to back up his statements. Screw Big Pharma and anyone involved. Also, I believe the media is trying to scare us. Though that shouldn't come at any surprise to anyone reading this.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

North Korea launches missile supposedly for putting up a satellite

North Korean missile launch

The article basically speaks for itself.

Quick summary: The article talks about Japan, South Korea and the United States warning Pyongyang from launching any missiles because they claim it's violating a ban issued in 2006. N. Korea claims the missile is to put a satellite into the air.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A few informative Dr. Mercola Articles

Please note: I have come to realize that Mercola articles are not fully viewable without a free account. I would encourage those that are interested in articles such as the ones below to sign up for a free account.

Click here
The above link regards avoiding flu shots by taking vitamin D orally. There should be a video at the top. Mercola also discourages the use of flu shots, saying that most of them have things in them that you don't want to be putting in your body. Another very important distinction brought to a viewer's attention is that people die more from pneumonia, rather than the flu itself.

Click here
This article linked to directly above, regards High Fructose Corn Syrup, yet again. The article discusses studies done by companies to debate the negative effects of HFCS basically saying that it is "okay in moderation." Mercola says otherwise. If you want more information, the fourth link on this post shall tell you about a technique used to stop addiction to soft drinks (which have HFCS), if that is something you are struggling with. I have also previously reported on HFCS, so if you missed out on those, please review the archives of this blog for the other article(s).

Click here

The name of this article pretty much speaks for itself: "Simple change could reduce obesity in U.S. by 20 percent." This article talks about advertising during children tv programs, and its connection to obesity in children.

Click here
This article is about the power & benefit of music on the human body, particularly when doing exercise (like running in a marathon.)

Click here
Turbo tapping is a form of EFT (explanation is within the article) used to help a person stop an addiction; particularly in this case, soft drinks. This method doesn't cost you a dime, supposedly.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lincoln photo recovered?


From yahoo news. I happened to see this article when I was on (Wasn't even searching for anything on yahoo.) Rather interesting article about, perhaps, the last taken photograph of Abraham Lincoln.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sleep Problems? Maybe this page can help.

I found this link thanks to the book "What Color is Your Parachute? 2009", by Richard Nelson Bolles. This page "Your Guide to Healthy Sleep," as it says at the top of this article. Thought I would share it, could be beneficial to you. I know it's definitely something that I should be looking into.
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