Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cell phones - More data showing that cell phones are dangerous



Above is a video and a link. The video is a youtube video about brain cancer. The link is to Dr. Mercola's website where there is an article about cell phones (but not JUST cell phones, wireless phones and possibly other devices) and how dangerous they are to human beings. This is just crazy; and I bet the U.S.A. (that is, our media and gov't) will refuse to acknowledge it for as long as possible. I'm planning on getting a cell phone, but after everything I've read and heard about, I'm going to be careful.. For example, you can buy Dr. Mercola's BlueTube Headset for cell phones. Basically, we should not have these radio producing devices next to our head! If a person does so, it should be for a short amount of time.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Another article showing cell phones are harmful to your health

Well, here we go again.... More proof that cell phones can and do affect human beings. Cell phones (or portable phones in your house, or even laptops!) emit radio wave radiation which is harmful to people. The best thing to do is to use Dr. Mercola's air tube headset (he sells a product called the "BlueTube Headset") when talking on a cell phone, or using the speaker phone when possible, or simply not using the phone at all. (Fat chance of that, right?) Well don't take my word for it, read this article from Dr. Mercola, which is where I got the information:

There is a lot more information in there and is quite interesting. At the time of this writing, I still do not have a cell phone, and I'm feeling like it's a good thing too! If I do get one, I'd like to get one of those bluetube headsets and try to limit use.

In conclusion, I just thought I would share this information with people I know (or even not know) so we can be more informed and so that we can take care of ourselves accordingly.
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